Ransomware events can be the worst experience for any person or business. It is an unfortunate reality that we live in a situation where businesses must deal with them. Thankfully, businesses are not in this alone and are able to work through ransomware events with the help of cyber insurance carriers, breach coaches, forensic providers, ransom negotiators, and MOXFIVE Technical Advisors / IT Specialists. While business recovery is just one of the many aspects that MOXFIVE supports as Technical Advisors, it is a critical need that many businesses have in today’s threat landscape.
MOXFIVE’s mission is to minimize the impact of cyber-attacks. The goal for this blog post is to help guide businesses through their recovery efforts, whether alone or with MOXFIVE’s support. Our hope is that businesses can win the fight by themselves, but every business should know that they never have to lose the fight alone.
For MOXFIVE, Business Recovery is a mixture of exceptional Incident Management, which bridges the gap between technical teams and business leaders, with Data Recovery efforts to help IT teams restore operations as quickly as possible. The result of these combined efforts is a faster recovery time with reduced business interruption costs.
What follows is MOXFIVE’s approach to Business Recovery, designed to get businesses back up and running as quickly and safely as possible, while facilitating a successful investigation into the root cause of the incident.
The planning stage of business recovery efforts is one of the most important steps in the process. It is easy for businesses to want to dive headfirst into recovery tasks without first checking the depth of the water. Businesses must take the time to analyze the situation, understanding that they will not have complete information, and develop a response strategy that balances recovery speed with the situation on the ground, looking specifically into the following:
Once these questions have been addressed, businesses can then define what success means to them beyond “getting everything working again”. Specifically, MOXFIVE likes to define the following:
At this stage, businesses should begin exploring the viability of backups for both systems and data. The objective is to determine whether backups are available for all critical systems / data. Ideally, businesses can avoid having to pay a ransom if they have viable backups and are able to restore their data. Important considerations for assessing the viability of backups include:
As this is happening, the organization should begin putting a prioritized server recovery list together so that restoration can start on the most critical systems first and waterfall down to servers that are more of a “nice to have” than a necessity. The prioritization should focus on the following:
Critical Infrastructure
Business Critical Services / Applications
Essential Services / Applications
Non-Essential Services / Applications
Not every recovery effort will require a full-blown containment strategy based on the details of the case. At a minimum, every containment plan should include the use of advanced endpoint technology that is proven to deal with the latest ransomware variants and associated malware that occur in some ransomware incidents (e.g. Emotet, Trickbot, Dridex, etc.). This should be deployed to as many systems as possible, understanding that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to get 100% coverage. Having a reliable asset management solution in place is extremely helpful during the contain phase and ensures that all systems that the business is aware of are covered in the roll-out of any containment methodology.
In more severe ransomware incidents that impact most of the environment, it is often prudent to create a quarantined network to restore servers to. This does not mean creating a parallel duplicate environment, rather it is creating a network segment in which the servers can be restored and not risk reinfection. While this is an extra step in the process, this simple mechanism can greatly mitigate the chance of reinfection and wasted cycles, which could increase response costs and business interruption.
With the prior items in place, you are set for the greatest likelihood of success and the technical teams can begin marching in the same direction with a shared vision on what the finish line looks like. This is “go” time, where the rubber meets the road. Teams should execute the plan, communicate issues / roadblocks, and adapt quickly.
This is where Incident Management is critical to success. MOXFIVE finds that many issues begin to emerge, both technical and emotional, when communication breaks down between the technical teams and business leaders — a common occurrence when teams are sleep deprived and restoration priorities (which always change) and status are not properly translated and communicated. When teams are executing, it is imperative that the following is done:
Closely monitor progress
Establish a clear communication cadence
Communicate successes and failures early and often
The start of a business recovery process can feel like a sprint, it’s important to pace the teams and ensure the health of everyone is taken into consideration. There is no need for individual heroes in these efforts, they only become bottlenecks. There is no shame in asking for and using help where you can! As the recovery process continues, the pressures will subside, and updates / recovery efforts will get into more of a paced rhythm.
It’s also important to continue to track and update what success was initially defined as. For businesses recovering from ransomware incidents, it can be difficult to have your environment be exactly what it was before. There will be a “new normal” that is created, and adjustments will need to be made. You often come out of a ransomware incident with scars. However, establishing a clear and agreed upon ending allows internal teams to go back to their day jobs and manage any additional fallout from the incident as part of the day to day operations of the company rather than staying in “fight” mode for eternity.
As recovery efforts begin to slow, organizations should start planning on how they can reinforce their environment to mitigate future incidents. It can be easy to think it’s best to create a new and super secure environment, your own personal Fort Knox, during recovery efforts. MOXFIVE finds that it can often distract and take away from recovery efforts, especially when additional recommendations can be provided as the teams spend more time in the environment and forensics completes their investigation of the incident. A balance must be struck between containing the incident and making significant improvements to your environment at the same time.
MOXFIVE focuses recommendations on areas that are most realistic for businesses to implement based on their specific environment. It is about implementing the recommendations that are going to provide the greatest impact for their associated costs. MOXFIVE recommendations focus on the following areas:
When organizations can implement these types of recommendations, it can help prevent the number of security incidents and mitigate the impact of any threats that slip through the cracks.
While the world continues to watch the rise of ransomware, in both frequency and severity, there is an element hidden behind the headlines that the public seldom sees. Many know that ransomware is meant to encrypt systems, locking users out of their files, but what is often not seen (or appreciated) is the interruption that this type of attack causes businesses and the tremendous efforts that businesses go through to restore IT operations after a ransomware incident. This holds true whether a ransom is paid to obtain a decryption utility or if the victim decides to move forward without paying a ransom. MOXFIVE has witnessed, and performed, monumental efforts alongside ransomware victims to get their businesses back to operational with a restored sense of normalcy, something we can all appreciate in the year 2020.
MOXFIVE is here for businesses who want to prepare their environments for the worst through a robust backup strategy, helping to mitigate the impact of ransomware incidents. MOXFIVE is also here in those “break glass” situations, where some extra muscle is needed to restore operations following a ransomware incident. Our hope is that the MOXFIVE playbook will help guide teams in a successful recovery effort and reduce the threat that ransomware faces to businesses, because no business must face this fight alone.
MOXFIVE provides the clarity and peace of mind needed for attack victims during the incident response process. Our platform approach enables victims of attacks to work with a Technical Advisor who provides the expertise and guidance needed in a time of crisis, and facilitates the delivery of all technical needs required, consistently and efficiently.
Learn MoreWith experience on the front lines responding to incidents daily, MOXFIVE Technical Advisors have the unique ability to connect the dots between business, information technology, and security objectives to help you quickly identify the gaps and build a more resilient environment.